Teaching Sharing
Research at DMJX
Researching Teaching Sharing
Research and Developments core activities are research, teaching, communication and knowledge sharing. We have organized this in five different research and development centres.
The focus areas of DMJX’s overall strategy are to be distinctive and to create coherence and value. The core task of the research area is to develop and disseminate new knowledge for the benefit of the media and communication branch and for our many students on bachelor and further education programmes.
In DMJX’s research strategy, this is translated concretely into the following three areas:
1. Coherence between research, education, the media branch, and society in general.
Coherence between research, education, and the media branch will be assured by strengthening the relevance of research to the school's education programmes and by addressing the media and communication branch's challenges and need for new knowledge in practical and applied research.
We aim to achieve a continuous flow of knowledge and experience between research, education, and business, that is mutually Interesting and valuable for all parties. It is our goal that both the media world and society see DMJX as an institution that has the desire and ability to fulfil its tasks in a way that clearly Illustrates this coherence.
2. High quality in research and knowledge work
The research at DMJX must always be known for its high quality. It must be distinctive and create value for students, the branch, and society as a whole, We will prioritise research and development projects that involve multiple partners (for example, students, colleges, universities, businesses, and organisations), that include central actors in developments in the media world and/or address significant issues for the media world and society.
Research and development will contribute to education and teaching being consistently founded on a knowledge base corresponding to the education programme of the given type and level and that provides a solid foundation for achieving the goals of the programme.
3. Dissemination of research and circulation of knowledge
We will target the dissemination of our results to increase their visibility, both internally and externally, and channel the knowledge we develop towards where It provides most value. This will be undertaken through various channels.
We will disseminate our research through participation in central international and national conferences, publication in recognised peer-reviewed journals, and by disseminating our research to the wider public and branches via more popular scientific articles and papers.
Additionally, among other things, we will actively utilise our online journal, 'MediaJournal' and our publishing house, 'Forlaget Ajour', for targeted dissemination of knowledge.
Finally, dissemination will be undertaken through preparing teaching materials - including textbooks.
Applied research in collaboration with our target groups
In brief, our research strategy will ensure that we develop new knowledge in collaboration with relevant actors within and without the media world, thereby contributing to growth development and results for partners and the media world.
The aim of research at DMJX is to support the educational and competence development programmes that are developed and offered at the school.
This will be done through the collaboration between researchers and teachers on the development of our educational programmes and through the researchers' own teaching. This will ensure that the research is born of a need to communicate the research in teaching, and it has arisen in relation to the recipients, or on the basis of a more general need for new research and knowledge in this area.
As an outset, research at DMJX is applied research - understood as experimental or theoretical work primarily directed towards specific areas of application.
Five centres strengthen and target core competences
All the school's researchers are associated with one or more of DJMX's research and development centres, where also a number of lecturers and teaching staff contribute their competences and knowledge. The 5 centres have been established to target and strengthen our professional core competences in journalism, media, communications, visual communication, and pedagogical development
The five centres are:
Centre for Journalism and Democracy
The object of the centre is to support research and development projects in the relationship between journalism and a democratic public. This includes identifying journalism's societal conditions and developing journalism's democratic functions. The centre will contribute to research-informed development of teaching and practice and create and disseminate knowledge of democracy and journalism with a view to qualifying and informing the professions, media, citizens, and decision-makers.
Centre Director
Research Lecturer
+45 23 82 72 17
Centre for Media Innovation
The object of the centre is to undertake research in the media's technological developments, changed frameworks, and behavioural changes in media consumers. This knowledge is necessary to understand which factors affect media conditions, while, at the same time, constituting a pre-requisite for a well-functioning modern democracy.
Centre Director
Assistant Professor
+45 20 86 77 77
Centre for Communication and Management
The object of the centre is to illuminate and understand developments in strategic communication, business communication, public communication, and market communication. This includes the interaction between media texts, communicative forms and products, and the societal and user-related contexts and strategies in which this interaction takes place.
Centre Director
Head of Researh and Development
+45 26 25 90 02
Centre for Design and Visual Communication
The object of the centre is to illuminate creative professionalism and understand developments, particularly in the creative disciplines represented at DMJX.
Centre Director
Assistant Professor
+45 26 12 24 22
Centre for Pedagogical Development and Digitalisation
The object of the centre is to establish a cross-functional resource centre that encompasses more than just the educational pillar. Developmental work in relation to pedagogy, didactics, digital learning, and digital competences, will be gathered in one centre with staff that have formal competences and that have freed up resources to be able to initiate, stimulate, qualify, and ensure the pedagogical, didactic, and digital developments across programmes and courses at DMJX.
Centre Director
Head of Research and Development
+45 26 25 90 02
We undertake research and development projects for, and in collaboration with, a whole range of foundations, bodies, media companies, and cultural institutions. A large part of the research is funded through Frascati, while other activities are funded externally. In addition, we have associated a number of Ph.D. fellows in collaboration with universities. If your business or organisation is looking for a partner or has funding for a project in our core skills area, do not hesitate to contact us.
Kirsten Bonde Sørensen
Docent / Senior Associate Professor
Ejvind Hansen
Docent / Senior Associate Professor
Lars Kabel
Vibeke Thøis Madsen
Docent / Senior Associate Professor
Steffen Moestrup
Docent / Senior Associate Professor
Flemming Tait Svith
Roger Buch
Forskningslektor og Centerleder
Line Schmeltz
Docent / Senior Associate Professor